Inspectors are employed by a hospital governing board or authority, approved by Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) and work under the direction of the architect or engineer in responsible charge for a project.

ICC Special Inspectors
Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector
​Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector
​Soils Special Inspector
​Spray-applied Fireproofing Special Inspector
​Structural Masonry Special Inspector
​Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspector
​Structural Welding Special Inspector
ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Inspector
A Medical Gas Inspector is qualified and experienced in inspecting installations of medical gas and vacuum systems covered by the ASSE Series 6000 Standard. Inspectors include any individual who inspects the installation of medical gas and vacuum distribution systems.

DSA Inspector
Inspectors certified by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and then approved to work on specific projects.
After the plans are approved, DSA is notified by the design professional or proposed inspector of the start of construction. DSA reviews the qualifications of and approves the proposed project inspector(s) who will inspect the construction.

INTERTEK IQP Firestop Inspector
Trained through Intertek’s Qualified Personnel (IQP) Program, inspectors are trained to ensure that fire stops are compliant to the 2012 International Building Code that requires special inspection of fire-stopping for buildings over 75 feet in height, and category III and IV buildings (Chapter 17, section 1705.16 of the IBC).
IFC - Premier Firestop Inspector
Premier certificate holders have demonstrated a high and sufficient level of competence specific to the Special Inspection of fire-stopping, as required in the California Building Code (2019) 1705A.16.